Saturday, November 7, 2009

DNR Date with a Rich Man

Quite often I've used DNA (do not answer) as a name in my cell phone to remind me that I had a bad date with this guy. I've also suggested to friends to use DNC (do not call) in case they find themselves tempted and toasty, late at night and wanting to make a call to an undeserving guy. But I never, ever considered using DNR (do not resuscitate) until I met Mr. G-rich.

I can honestly say Mr. G-rich had a lot going for him. He was a stylish, wealthy business owner who had great taste in wine and a love for speed. I spent a glorious 3 days with a girlfriend, her man and Mr. G-rich. It was intended to be a "group" thing that turned into couples. Mr. G-rich flew us (yes, he's a pilot and had his own plane!) to a beautiful family home on Martha's Vineyard where we dined, drank and danced our long weekend away.

Apparently there was a small wager whether Mr. G-rich and I were going to kiss. There certainly was some kissing and cuddling over that weekend, but he was a gentleman and made sure that things didn't move too fast. We had so much fun, Mr. G-rich and I decided to see each other again regardless of the 130 miles between us.

Things started to heat up physically and the kissing became more intense. Something about him was throwing me off and I couldn't figure it out. He was a good catch after all, I should give him a fair shake! After dinner on the third date, I finally figured out what was bothering me.

"Are you blowing out?"

He pulls back. With his eyes closed and shaking his head he said "Huh? what? No, no I'm not...." and leans in again to kiss me some more.

Now I'm too alert and inside my head to enjoy anything. So I continue along with the motions until I feel it again. I part my lower lip from his to create a small opening (and to gasp for breath) and I feel a rush of air coming out of his mouth.


He still had no idea what he was doing wrong. How could this be? I imagined his past experiences, he had been married, was in his late 30's, successful, well-traveled, SURELY he's kissed a few women more than a few times! Did they actually like this? It felt absolutely AWFUL to me! Somewhere between being smothered and choked.

That was the end of Mr. G-rich and the last time I felt like a CPR doll. I hope he's well. I did hear from my girlfriend that he got married. I hope her name isn't Annie...

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